Thursday, September 27, 2012

A little different

This month I have set a different type of 30 day goal. I decided not to do something that is everyday, as that started to kind of stress me out, but instead, have some broader goals-both for physical and mental health.

Goal 1: 400 minutes of working out
*currently, with three days to go, I already have 527 minutes!!!

Goal 2: complete the fall quilt I started a year ago
*this doesn't look like it will happen. I started to get a good go at it, and then life took over... But I plan to have it done in the next 30 days for sure!

Goal 3: complete a 4 mile run-no stops
*success!!! I've completed this goal twice this month.

Goal 4: survive my first month as an elementary music teacher
*with one day to go, I think I can safely say that I have survived well :)

I'm feeling good! Healthier than I have in a while. My eating habits have been better. I have two running partners that meet me every mon, wed, and fri morning (at 4:45-bah!) and it is motivating to have buddies to run with. I've even lost a couple pounds and my pants are feeling more comfortable. And I'm very happy to be teaching again.

Its been a wonderful 30 days this September. I'm looking forward to October.