Monday, December 3, 2012

simple, doable, but is it enough?

Since September I've had the goal to exercise a minimum of 400 minutes each month. The first two months I surpassed that by another 200 minutes - this last month, not so much. I found myself taking a couple steps back in the healthy department. I can't totally bash myself, I did clock 422 minutes, so I did meet my goal; however, I haven't been the healthiest eater lately. I've been playing with different goals that I can try to do with food, but it is really hard for me, because reality is that I have a hard time sticking with food goals - ESPECIALLY this time of year! I know in order to make a difference in my body, I have to stop eating as much sugar and start eating more veggies and fiber. In the summer I do a decent job of this with all the fresh food - but in the winter, it really is a struggle.

Any ideas on how to approach my food intake? I don't want to be on a "diet". I just want to keep healthy eating that stays regular, not just for a couple weeks.

In other exciting news (that I forgot to share a couple weeks ago!) - I made it to SIX miles jogging!!!!  I was soooo proud of myself. I'm tempted to not only try for a 5K, but possibly also a 10K next spring - now that is a fun goal to think about!  :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A little different

This month I have set a different type of 30 day goal. I decided not to do something that is everyday, as that started to kind of stress me out, but instead, have some broader goals-both for physical and mental health.

Goal 1: 400 minutes of working out
*currently, with three days to go, I already have 527 minutes!!!

Goal 2: complete the fall quilt I started a year ago
*this doesn't look like it will happen. I started to get a good go at it, and then life took over... But I plan to have it done in the next 30 days for sure!

Goal 3: complete a 4 mile run-no stops
*success!!! I've completed this goal twice this month.

Goal 4: survive my first month as an elementary music teacher
*with one day to go, I think I can safely say that I have survived well :)

I'm feeling good! Healthier than I have in a while. My eating habits have been better. I have two running partners that meet me every mon, wed, and fri morning (at 4:45-bah!) and it is motivating to have buddies to run with. I've even lost a couple pounds and my pants are feeling more comfortable. And I'm very happy to be teaching again.

Its been a wonderful 30 days this September. I'm looking forward to October.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Back on the tracks

Tomorrow marks the halfway point of this goal and I finally feel like I am back on track. Finding the time to exercise has been challenging since I've began a second job, but to counter that I've gotten up most days at 5am. I really dislike getting up early, buy it has helped me stick to the goal.

My biggest challenge right now is sweets! I'm doing much better with veggies and fruits, buy then other than a small portion of main meal, I have been eating way too many desserts and candies. I think I may have to incorporate a sweets limit goal into my next 30 day plan. Until then, I'm tryig to be "good". Today I succeeded! But we will see where my willpower is at tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Back on the saddle

Ok, so I will admit, I am LOUSY at eating healthy and exercising when traveling! I did horrible this last week during all my travels, but by the end of it I was REALLY motivated to come home and kick some butt. I was feeling crumy by yesterday and realized how much I really do miss the feeling of a good workout.

I'm back on the saddle today with a new goal - and this one WILL be accomplished. I've even upped the anti a little bit - 6 veggie/fruits per day and 30 minutes of workout. I refuse to let a leisurely walk be my workout this time! I became way too wimpy trying my last goal and was not pushing myself. But if I really do want my shorts and swimsuit to fit this summer - I have got to start crackin' the whip on myself. 6 veggie/fruits will be challening, which is sad to say, but it is much needed. My goal is to start making these food groups more of the core or beginning of my meals, rather than the end to my meal if I have a little space leftover.

Therefore, today I ate my carrots, dried cranberries, strawberries, V8, and a huge salad. I also did my taebo workout tonight - and it kicked my butt in a really good way.  :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

40 days

I believe I was told the other day that it takes 40 days to setting a new habit and sticking with it before it starts feeling routine. So now I'm really wishing I had set my goals to a 40 day calendar versus a 30 day one. I had the best intentions this month to keep up my good work, but unfortunately I feel I've gone the exact opposite way.

This month was going to be hard and I knew that. I've been doing a lot of travel with more to come and I've had a busier schedule with church and work things. And yet, the days that I DO have the time seem to be the hardest to find motivation on! I just want to sit and do nothing when I get home!!!

It has also been interesting to see the affect my different workouts have played into this. In the winter I used videos that typically challenged me-but now with nice weather I have been
Jogging and walking more-unfortunately more of the latter though. :(

So, I'm a quitter. I need to be done with the current goal. But! That is a big but! I will start again after Easter when I am "home" again. I hate that this is the case but I want to start over correctly. I need to do 30-45 min workouts that get my heart going and it needs to be daily! I was doing too many days of an hour walk to make up for missed days - that has to end.

On a happier note- I've been doing awesome on my fruits and veggies! I'm still working getting more veggies, but I'm at least getting 4 servings of one of the two daily, often times 6-7.

I'm human and not perfect, I know that.
I will keep trying and will succeed! I will change my daily habits and routines so that exercise and healthy eating become natural versus a goal.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A rough go

My second 30 day goal hasn't been as motivated as the first... oy.

I've been doing really good with my fruits and veggies, but struggling A LOT with exercise. The frustrating thing is that I feel so good when I do exercise, and yet I have very little motivation right now to do so. My goal was to exercise 30 minutes each day, however I had some legitimate road blocks that didn't allow for that so I let myself "makeup" those minutes on a different day. It's worked, but unfortunately when I do more exercise I don't do as hard of a workout, so I definitely have not gotten as much hard cardio as I should be getting.

This month was going to be challenging, I knew that, but I thought I would still have the motivation. I'm slowly starting to find it again though I think. The last couple days I've had some really good workouts jogging with the dog. It is so refreshing to be able to exercise OUTSIDE again. I CAN complete this goal!

I also remind myself that I am human and nowhere near perfect. Changing life habits will be and is hard. If I keep going though, the life benefits it will lead to will be so great - that is my motivation... well, that and fitting back into my Capri's and shorts again this summer!  :)

Good night!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Jody's Confession

So, I started off on the right foot, but fell short of my commitment quickly, so TODAY I kicked off trial number 2 of my first 30 days with a 2 hour hike...whew...feelin' the burn.  I am so looking forward to tomorrow.  And a big WAY TO GO, MARA on completing your first goal and onto the 2nd!  You rock!