Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A rough go

My second 30 day goal hasn't been as motivated as the first... oy.

I've been doing really good with my fruits and veggies, but struggling A LOT with exercise. The frustrating thing is that I feel so good when I do exercise, and yet I have very little motivation right now to do so. My goal was to exercise 30 minutes each day, however I had some legitimate road blocks that didn't allow for that so I let myself "makeup" those minutes on a different day. It's worked, but unfortunately when I do more exercise I don't do as hard of a workout, so I definitely have not gotten as much hard cardio as I should be getting.

This month was going to be challenging, I knew that, but I thought I would still have the motivation. I'm slowly starting to find it again though I think. The last couple days I've had some really good workouts jogging with the dog. It is so refreshing to be able to exercise OUTSIDE again. I CAN complete this goal!

I also remind myself that I am human and nowhere near perfect. Changing life habits will be and is hard. If I keep going though, the life benefits it will lead to will be so great - that is my motivation... well, that and fitting back into my Capri's and shorts again this summer!  :)

Good night!

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