Saturday, March 10, 2012

31 Day goal... it happens.

REALLY didn't want to do this, but sometimes there are days where you just may not be able to get in an exercise - but only for Great circumstances - such as an evening in Urgent Care  :)

A couple days ago I had to skip my day of exercise because of, well... um..., my thumb. I stabbed my thumb with an epi-pen by accident, which landed me in urgent care to get my heart tested and hand x-ray's. I'm absolutely fine now, however between the rise and fall of the epinephrine medicine and my thumb absolutely throbbing, I decided that night it was best to hold off on my exercise.

I hated the next day, I could feel a difference because I didn't exercise. But I will make it up on day 31. I will be extremely happy to mark out that box that day - so because of that lucky day of mine, I have 8 days left. YEY!!!

I also believe I have my first couple "victims" following me on this journey. One may even start blogging with me - how exciting!  :)

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